3 Exercises That Will Keep You Optimistic & Persevere

Ever feel like life is definitely testing you sometimes? One thing after another or sometimes all at once. Even if you ask for help, it’s still stressful. So, this Monday I wanted to share these 3 exercises to stay optimistic and persevere.

Know that you are better than the situation you’re going through

  Yesterday, for me, is great example of how I knew I was bigger than a situation. As a barista, we get busy and yesterday was probably one of the busiest days I have ever worked that wasn’t a holiday. As the only one really making the drinks and a line of cups of about 20. People get inpatient and start giving you the “Eyes from Hell” and saying some pretty disrespectful things, especially when you’re doing you’re best. At that point, I was ready to just walk out the door. But, I love working for Starbucks. It’s great company and I just had to whisper to myself “I’m better than these inpatient customers.”

Exercises like whispering “I am best than [insert situation here]” may not fix the problem, but it definitely will help you breathe a little better.

Always picture your end goal

Always thinking about what I want to do in the future and ways to get there help you always see the bigger picture. Like “I may be a barista at Starbucks now but one day Starbucks may be asking to collaborate with me!” Big goals like this make me stay optimistic. Being optimistic isn’t always about being happy. It’s about taking what the world throws at you and saying “I’m not going to let this get me down.”

Make time for doing what you love

Even if you may not be at your end goal, work on the things that will get you there. After I came home yesterday I wrote in my Content Planner all 10 December blog post ideas for the month and designed the featured photos for them! This not only makes me look forward to what I’m about to write next month but made me forget about the day I had yesterday!

Remember that you are better than the situations you go through.

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