The Best is Yet to Come, 2017.

Happy New Year!

This time of the year is when you really start to evaluate your life and who you want to be for 2017!
What I love about new year is that it feels like another chapter in your life! Once you watch the ball drop in New York and pop open the champagne, a small moment of magic spreads across the nation. Some people may want to reinvent themselves and others are toasting to the new opportunities that will be coming their way this year.

2016 helped me grow a lot and It ended on a great note. It taught me to really be the doer I am in life and to just take that leap of faith into following your passion. I used to say “New Year, New Me” and now I see it as “New Year, New Chances!” I don’t need to find who I am anymore, I know who I am and who I want to be. Now, it’s just about growing more this year!
To me 2017 is all about patience, persistence, and being open.
I vow for 2017 to be patient in the fact that I’m going to have to grow my audience more to open more doors in my future. I will be persistent in posting regularly, having more of a routine I need to follow in my every day life, and staying committed. Lastly, I will be open to new ideas, dreams, and challenges that come my way this year.

Staying true to a vow this year makes you really want to commit to the year and yourself. Having goals are great but they may change. Vows, like mine, can relate to just about anything that comes your way this year!

Take some time to really think about what you want to vow for 2017.What do you think is important in hitting the goals you want to achieve this year and what will help you grow?

A practice I’m going to start are monthly check-ups on myself! Which is where I ask myself how I was either patient, persistent, and open. No matter how big or small this event was in my goal, at least I know I’m staying true to the person I want to be! Taking thirty minutes out of your day to really think about you and what you’re doing in your life is always needed in order to grow.

Cheers to another great year & thank you for following my journey!


Mikaela Ann

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