
Why A Little Boredom Is Essential To Your Success

We all create something. Whether it’s in our head or we’re working to physically create it. Ideas pop into our heads all the time but life happens and we don’t quite remember everything we think about. That’s just how the brain works. Therefore, when an idea comes into my head for my brand, I carry […]

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3 Kinds of People to Thank For Your Success

The people you know change you in either the smallest way or the biggest way. You are what you do and who you surround yourself with. But, who are the people that made you the person you are today or will be?  Once you understand that you’re worthy of a big life, you become unshakable and […]

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What No One Tells You About December and How to do it right.

Hello December, You are here again! Something about you makes the world feel more of a magical place. Is it the Christmas decorations, Christmas lights, Holiday Cheer, or never getting tired of Will Ferrell dressed as a human elf screaming “Santa!”?  We all have different reasons and there isn’t a wrong answer. But, we can […]

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What makes Disney’s “Moana” the most inspirational movie yet?

On November 23, 2016 Disney finally released the movie “Moana.” I expected greatness and they surpassed my expectations by far! Moana is a true Millennial and speaks for the strong and the independent. She has always been called to the ocean for as long as she could remember. She didn’t know why but she knew […]

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The 3 Surprising Benefits of Play

What do I mean when I say “Play?” Activities that make you happy and that make you, you!  We devalue play when we were taught that being a grown up meant work = Being Serious Is the opposite of play…work? Here are the three surprising benefits of play:  1. Stimulates Creativity   Do you remember playing with blocks, leggos, […]

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3 Incredible Things That Happen When Women Support Each other

Now more than ever, women are coming together in a very strong way. It’s not about ONLY believing in the strength of women.. But believing that we’re capable of way more than every one thinks we are and putting a limit on what we can do. If you aren’t linked together with powerful women.. I’ve […]

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How to Take the First Step in 3 Easy Steps.

  I have seen it plenty of times where people get too scared to take that first step into following their dreams. I have also been there! Whether it’s thinking you’re going to disappoint someone you love, scared of failure, or other personal reasons. That first step is always the hardest and scariest step to […]

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Don’t Count The Days. Make The Days Count.

When I think about my future and everything I want to do in life. I always wonder how and when I’m going to do it. There is so much I could do and I don’t want to think I have to pick and choose. At some point in my life I would absolutely love to […]

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Thanks For Being My Unbiological Sister

Two years ago today, my best friend, Mackenzie, spoke a very moving tribute about me for speech class. She spoke about the unconditional sisterly love we have for one another and how we have changed each others lives. At the time, I didn’t think our friendship could get any stronger. But, I was wrong. During […]

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Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds

This week, I shared this blog with some of my family and friends that I thought didn’t really get what I was thinking when it came to moving to Florida and continuing on this path into following my dreams. The reactions I got were absolutely beautiful and motivated me a lot more, which I did […]

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