
3 Key Benefits That Will Make Your Vision Spark

People often mistake the meaning of the word “vision.” Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. A dream, a meaning, or a purpose. Sometimes it could be a vision that hasn’t been seen before or it’s just hard for others to understand. But, that definitely doesn’t mean that your vision is […]

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Discover The Hidden Mask Behind Adulting

Adulting (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups. Everyone uses this word nowadays! When it’s being expressed, especially as Millennials, we usually express it in a negative tone. For example, “Damn, I really […]

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How To Create Boundless Opportunity In Your Life

Growing up we believe that we can take over the world. Endless possibilities will come our way and nothing will stop us when we’re older. Now that we’re older… We are the boss of our life. With that comes a lot of hard work. To create a life with an endless amount of opportunity, you […]

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The Hidden Beauty of Being an Unwritten Millennial

What does being “Unwritten” mean? I believe that everyone is a little unwritten. But, especially the Millennial generation and other people who are starting a new chapter in their journeys. Being unwritten is about being the voice of your own story. Not exactly knowing what’s going to be on the next page because there’s no […]

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The Essential Traits to becoming Unforgettable

The biggest impression from first meeting people is their personality. How they made us feel, how we will remember them, and what we learn from them. Sometimes, you’ll meet someone for a short amount of time but will have such an impact on your life for the right reasons. I’ve always said that the people […]

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The Most Effective Way to get your Creativity Noticed

Being a creator in this world is one of the most passionate things you can do in your lifetime. Making music, writing, art, and etc. There are so many creative people in this world that haven’t been recognized. Why is that? Well, there are multiple different reasonings on why. But, one that really sticks out […]

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The Hidden Secrets Behind Comparison

In some way shape or form, we all compare ourselves to others. Whether it’s someone we glanced at for a minute throughout the day or someone we may look up to and their journey. But, when you really start to understand what your comparing… Is it really worth it? Here are three reasons I believe […]

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The ultimate guide to crushing your big goals

What separates a driven person from an average person? Driven people are focused more on their goals than their feelings. The average person will just focus on the way they feel the time of day and everything has to work around if they’re tired, hungry, overwhelmed, and so on. While the Driven would rather put […]

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3 Hardships that Shape Self Love

What if you devoted this year to loving yourself more?  It takes some work to understand who you are sometimes.  Self love is all about being whole, not perfect. In the process of self love. 3 major hardships start to shape and grow you into the person you should be proud of: Grief  It’s one […]

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3 habits that keep you from being the Doers of the world.

I always hear about what people want to do and calling themselves “Doers”in this world but don’t really understand all it takes to actually be a doer. If you have something you want to change about your life you have two options… Either talk abut the change you want to make in the world or […]

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