
Why You Should Stop Explaining Yourself To Others

Judgement is all around us and there’s nothing you can do to stop that. But, you can stop explaining your actions or decisions to others that may have a different mindset on what may be “right” for you. Start living in a way that the judgement around you is irrelevant and live to be an encourager. […]

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The Hidden Secrets Behind Comparison

In some way shape or form, we all compare ourselves to others. Whether it’s someone we glanced at for a minute throughout the day or someone we may look up to and their journey. But, when you really start to understand what your comparing… Is it really worth it? Here are three reasons I believe […]

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How to Find Billion Dollar Opportunities like a Pro

What is a blind opportunity? It’s a hidden chance in your lifetime that can change your life for the better. Blind opportunities don’t really change  your life with just saying “yes.” But, it’s a start. Some opportunities are the beginning of something that has a vision to be bigger! Therefore, it takes a lot of […]

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I am Authentic. What’s Your Superpower? 

Authenticity.  It’s not something we have or don’t have. Its a practice- A conscious choice on how we want to live. Authenticity is a collection of choices we have to make every day. Do you want to be real and be true? This is the choice to let your true self be seen. Finding your […]

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5 Habits That Keep Making You Settle

We all have habits. But, It’s the habits that limit your life that you should quit right now and why.. Trying to please everyone Being a people pleaser is great in some points. You put others before yourself and that shows a lot about your character. But, when does it become to much? Never lose […]

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All You Need is a Spoon Full of Confidence.

How do you know if you’re 100% confident in what you do with your life and who you really are? For me.. I am confident in the way I get my message across to other people. I am confident in following my dreams not knowing where it’s really going to take me. I am confident […]

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What No One Tells You About December and How to do it right.

Hello December, You are here again! Something about you makes the world feel more of a magical place. Is it the Christmas decorations, Christmas lights, Holiday Cheer, or never getting tired of Will Ferrell dressed as a human elf screaming “Santa!”?  We all have different reasons and there isn’t a wrong answer. But, we can […]

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Why You Should Follow Your Fearlessness

Fearless: Free from fear   Everyone looks at the word “Fearless” in their own way. Some people are fearless for doing daring things in their life. Some look at is as following your calling and taking a leap of a faith when the opportunity comes and theres no telling how far you’ll go. I believe […]

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What makes Disney’s “Moana” the most inspirational movie yet?

On November 23, 2016 Disney finally released the movie “Moana.” I expected greatness and they surpassed my expectations by far! Moana is a true Millennial and speaks for the strong and the independent. She has always been called to the ocean for as long as she could remember. She didn’t know why but she knew […]

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5 Things to Never be Sorry For

1. Needing alone time  We all need time to hear our own minds every once in a while. I believe that’s when we truly find ourselves and learn what we want to do in life. Even when if it’s once a week, take a day to just be with yourself. Have a lunch date with […]

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