
What No One Tells You About December and How to do it right.

Hello December, You are here again! Something about you makes the world feel more of a magical place. Is it the Christmas decorations, Christmas lights, Holiday Cheer, or never getting tired of Will Ferrell dressed as a human elf screaming “Santa!”?  We all have different reasons and there isn’t a wrong answer. But, we can […]

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What makes Disney’s “Moana” the most inspirational movie yet?

On November 23, 2016 Disney finally released the movie “Moana.” I expected greatness and they surpassed my expectations by far! Moana is a true Millennial and speaks for the strong and the independent. She has always been called to the ocean for as long as she could remember. She didn’t know why but she knew […]

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The 3 Surprising Benefits of Play

What do I mean when I say “Play?” Activities that make you happy and that make you, you!  We devalue play when we were taught that being a grown up meant work = Being Serious Is the opposite of play…work? Here are the three surprising benefits of play:  1. Stimulates Creativity   Do you remember playing with blocks, leggos, […]

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3 Incredible Things That Happen When Women Support Each other

Now more than ever, women are coming together in a very strong way. It’s not about ONLY believing in the strength of women.. But believing that we’re capable of way more than every one thinks we are and putting a limit on what we can do. If you aren’t linked together with powerful women.. I’ve […]

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